Leagues at HighPockets
Pool leagues are a fantastic way to improve your skills, meet new people, and have fun. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned player, there’s a HighPockets league that’s perfect for you. By joining a league, you’ll have the opportunity to play regularly against other players of similar skill levels, which will help you improve your game and build your confidence. You’ll also get to be a part of a community of fellow pool enthusiasts, who share your love of the sport and can offer advice and support as you continue to develop your skills. Many leagues offer great prizes and opportunities to compete at higher levels, which can be a great motivator. So if you’re looking for a way to take your pool game to the next level and connect with others who share your passion, consider joining a one of the leagues below!
The American Poolplayers Association has both in-house and traveling teams that play at HighPockets.
For more information, contact
Bobby & Nika Harvison
or visit APA Memphis.

HighPockets In-House Leagues play every Tuesday and Wednesday night.
For more information, contact
Dustin Sams
or visit the
HighPockets In-House Leagues
Facebook Page.

Memphis Pool League plays bar table 8-ball on Tuesday nights at HighPockets
For more information,
contact Jon Larson
or visit Memphis Pool League.