Side Pocket Cafe – The Daily Memphian
This is an excerpt from Jennifer Bigg's article featuring Summer Avenue restaurants for the Daily...
Endless Summer – Excerpt from The Memphis Flyer
In the not-so-distant past, I considered myself a pool shark. On any given weekend in my early 20s, you’d find me in a smoky Mississippi pool hall with a Miller High Life on standby and a cigarette hanging from my lips as I lined up an intensely focused shot in a game of eight-ball. In Memphis, HighPocket’s (yes, there’s an apostrophe), which opened in 1983, breathes nostalgia for me.
Justin Hall Snaps Off Memphis Open One Pocket
A very tough field, one shy of a full line up, came to Tracy Whitney’s High Pockets for the One...
Justin Bergman Defends Memphis Open 10-Ball Title
The thirty two man field drew twenty-seven players to take their shot at the Ten Ball division of...
Reggie Pickard takes 2016 King of the Hill at HighPockets
31 players competed this past Saturday, all qualified by finishing in the top 4 of the Weekly 9Ball Handicapped Tournament over the last year at HighPockets (or finishing 1st place if less than 32 players). Previous winners of the King of the Hill annual tournament were eligible to play if they had participated in the weekly event at least 3 times in the last year. Entry to the event is and always has been the same as the weekly tournament – $10 entry, plus table time, charged while you’re in a match.
Bergman Hangs On To Win 2nd Annual Memphis 10Ball Open; Loftis Takes Pro-Am 9Ball
The stars came out to play on the weekend of July 11-12, as High Pockets in Memphis, TN played...
Klatt Double Dips Bergman to Win Memphis Open 10 ball
By: Markus Noe This past weekend the Memphis Open took place at High Pockets in Tennessee, July...
2nd Sport 9 Ladies Tour at HighPockets
Oct. 19th, 2013 High Pockets once again held the 2nd Sports 9 Tour in Memphis, TN PLAYERS MEETING...
Jeanette Lee Visits Memphis
A warm Memphis fan base of young and old welcomed Jeanette as she walked into the room. You could see from the smile on her face that she prepared for an enjoyable evening. She opened with a personal hello to the audience telling us the story of her career.
APA Black Widow Tour Went to High Pockets in Memphis
The APA Black Widow Tour made a stop at High Pockets in Memphis, Tenn., on Wednesday, May 25 at...
Monday – Friday
11am – 11pm
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San Francisco, CA 96120
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